Project Summary

  • Client:

    Chungdahm Learning

  • Year Completed:


  • Industry:

    IT Technology

Chungdahm Learning Headquarter

'CREVERSE'는 청담러닝 X 씨엠에스에듀의 통합 헤드오피스이다. 두 회사가 합병하는만큼, 하나의 목표를 제안하는것이 가장 핵심이라고 보았다.
공간 통합 ' TOP of SKY CITY' 라는 컨셉을 제안!

파르나스타워21층에서 새롭게 시작될 오피스는 직원들의 시너지를 극대화 할 수 있도록, 프론트오피스와 백오피스 모두 콜라보레이션 공간을 극대화하여 디자인 진행하였다.

'CREVERSE' is the integrated head office of Cheongdam Learning and CMS EDU.
We belived that the key was to show their one aligned goal in a space as two companies has been just merged.
Thus, we came up with a concept called "Top of SKY CITY" which represents their first integrated office.
For the new office space that is located at the 21st floor of Parnas Tower, In order to maximize the synergy of their users, we wanted to focus and mazimize the usage of collaboration area for both the front office and the back office.