Project Summary

  • Client:

    Jobkorea & Albamon

  • Year Completed:


  • Industry:

    IT Technology

Focus Point

COVID-19이후 사무공간의 형태에도 많은 변화가 찾아왔다.
잡코리아& 알바몬 역시, 더욱 스마트한 환경 및 다양한 공간이 요구되었고,
그에 따라 Welcome Area, Create Social Hub, Individual Wokrstation, Team Studio, Comfortable Common area,등
하이브리드한 업무에 맞는 '새로운 하이브리드 오피스'를 제안하였다.

After COVID-19, there have also been many changes in the form of office space.
Job Korea & Albamon also required a smarter environment and various spaces,
so Welcome Area, Create Social Hub, Individual Wokrstation, Team Studio, Comfortable Common area.
We aimed to build a 'new hybrid office' suitable for hybrid work.